
Battle in the Skies of Marvel NYC

Our heroes tried to mop up the HYDRA agents who infiltrated the helicarrier while subduing the Hulk. Meanwhile, in the city below, the streets take advantage of the chaos to strike out and hold the city hostage. Tonight's roster: Scarlet Spider Thing Cable Dr. Strange Rocket and Groot They battled Wasteland Hulk with X-cutioner's Song scheme, with Iron Man as the captured hero the Hulk was roughing up. We got strung up with a slew of captives in the beginning, which stopped us from clearing the city. A couple of twists, and we were on the ropes with 8 heroes KO'd out of 9 for defeat. My son went for Scarlet Spider and Groot, working on drawing cards to cycle through his deck. He sacrificed recruiting to Bribe some villains and kept them from escaping on a couple occasions. My wife recruited her favorite hero, Dr. Strange, and even picked up the Sorcerer Supreme card, ready to beef up her hand and kick some green butt. I went with Cable mostly, and

Gary's Reading List

I've been on a quest to "Complete" my Sci-Fi/Fantasy library, and had some success at the local used bookstore and Half Price Books. One of the places to start reading is the DM Guide for 1E AD&D, where Gary Gygax discusses the literature that influenced him when making D&D. I know dozens of places have done journals as they explore this reading list . . . but I'm going to do one too. As good a reading program as any. Here's the original list, presented in Gary's own words: APPENDIX N: INSPIRATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL READING Inspiration for all the fantasy work I have done stems directly from the love my father showed when I was a tad, for he spent many hours telling me stories he made up as he went along, tales of cloaked old men who could grant wishes, of magic rings and enchanted swords, or wicked sorcerors [ sic ] and dauntless swordsmen. Then too, countless hundreds of comic books went down, and the long-gone EC ones certainly had their effec

Prepare for Boarding

Loki attempted to sink the Helicarrier tonight, with all your valiant heroes aboard, in stage 2 of the Legendary campaign. Our roster tonight included: Thing Winter Soldier Iceman Thor Captain Britain And, special bonus guest Hulk Wielding an abundance of Punch, we challenged Loki, who brought Asgardian villains, and the Ultimate Avengers, Skrulls and Cape Killers to represent in-fighting caused by the Trickster and turned SHIELD agents. Wife picked up a Thor/Iceman ranged combo, which dealt some serious damage. William turned to Thing, who focused his Recruit into major damage, and paired him with mostly Cap Britain to devastating effect. I tried to pull off a Hulk/Winter soldier Punch combo, but got bogged down with Shield dudes at inopportune times. Loki's 10 damage to defeat meant he stayed alive until the big combos rained down, and he fell in no time. Unfortunately, it was Admiral Ackbar's time. Loki was really trying to get the Hulk to in

Tourism Board

We played Legendary last weekend starting  Michael Green's Adventure Campaign , a sort of Choose-Your-Own Adventure game that lets your victory or defeat dictate how it flows. We started off by choosing 12 heroes to build our roster. We wanted to include some of our favorites, but have a diverse group and not just use the same heroes we always do. Getting input from the wife and kids, the five for the first mission were: Captain Britain Cloak and Dagger Cable Black Widow Iceman Rounding out the roster: Dr. Strange Thing Scarlet Spider Spiderwoman Rocket and Groot (mixed the two) Thor Winter Soldier We made our way to scenic Latveria, where we crashed a sort of Super Villain convention! Red Skull, Loki, and Magneto were in attendance, and when we emerged victorious, they scattered to the four winds. From a game perspective, I KO'd several of my agents early, and bought the top Cp Britain right away. Since he gives you three extra cards, I was playing t

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to the madness. We are a homeschooling family, with five kids and a sixth on the way.  Long have I been indoctrinating them in the favorite things of my youth, and it is finally bearing fruit as my oldest is 11, and able to join in my geekery. Once upon a time, when budgets were super tight, I got the X-Wing starter set and two boosters (the Y-Wing and TIE Advanced) for my son for Christmas. We instantly fell in love, and slowly, painstakingly grew our collection one ship at a time, only during special occasions. As FFG expanded to Armada, the RPGs, and Imperial Assault, I looked through them longingly, but never really entertained the thought that someday they would be mine. My poor shrinking collection I've kept up a small portion of my RPG collection since back in the day, seeing it dwindle from several large plastic bins to one banker's box. We started playing Marvel Legendary, and got great use out of the Core Set while slowly adding expansions to i